[Singups] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (31/X)

I killed ur converted vessel lmao

I prioritized killing them first over any of the other cult.

which probably doesnt make sense becuase they were effectively a LW with a lie detector and no real mechanical power

killing me would have been good for you because you would have had another ally

but lol neutral kingmakers and doublevoting NK with vote negating abilities

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Poor tele

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It was funny as shit tho
And i still won

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you don’t even know me and you want to be me

is this what fame is like

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Laughs Maybe. I do like your username though. Maybe because I’m a cat lover. They’re so cute.

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Objectively incorrect.



I’m stealing this

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Ojectively incorrect.

why would i wanna sign up to an fm game to find out my role is “you dont care about outcome of game”

NK’s are mostly fine but any neutral other than NK feels like not playing FM tbh

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Because Neutrals are fun and good.

Scum sided Neuts can be fun

Scum sided Neutrals I despise. They’re not Neutral, just scum.

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They can chose a side between NK or mafia so yes they are neut just not true neut

And I don’t think that’s an issue

Okay, but like… NK almost never makes it to endgame and basically just exists for balance.

Because people aren’t good at NK dosent make the neut bad