[Singups] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (31/X)

Frost where have you been and howd you find out about this game so soon after it was posted?!?!?!??!!? Weve missed you xD

Well I starting blasting.

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Besides, I am having a long break and decide not to play FM games during my quarantine as it will hurt my mentality.

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Calling someone to pipe down in not so friendly way is a sign of such mentality.

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I might have just invited a bunch of people.


Also, what is this suppose to mean? I actually do value honesty and game integrity quite heavily. This can be seen in the latest game that I played where I replaced out upon being able to deduce Eevee was town because of messages I was sent.


Since you value honesty, I’m pleading the 5th

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You deduced that person who shot a mafia and claims town vig is town.


I have no idea how to tell you this, but good job.


You were already town read by me, but you confirmed yourself as town in messages

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time to take a screenshot of every post anyone makes


nice pfp

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I feel that I am easy to push and while that will ring any bells that will turn the 180 degrees on the situation, I find myself hard time to convince the rest of the town that I am pointing fingers for being scum.

I also have bad habit of giving scum a second chance when I am mostly right on point in the first place, like Napoleon and Eevee in these particular examples.

Napoleon I feel he should be low on radar however he got protected twice as whatever the name was with Hand of Byzatium Unseen game and Eevee due to redirecting resulted in death of noble that I have directly killed a political opponent I wanted to take a throne as a Drunk

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memesky back


Highkey hero worship for memesky is wack

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If you think I lied about something I’ll much rather hear about it then have someone keep what they are thinking in their head.


how dare you insult the one true lord and savior


I mean you still claim that you and Amrock aer two different people.


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you are the kitten to my kat