[Singups] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (31/X)

Tbh, AM for some reason CC’d your claim and fucked shit up.

It’s a liberal move to support someone without using reasoning to back it up


I can’t believe I argued with myself in popcorn mafia about whether or not to shoot me or me

Rolls in


if you actually have something against me I’ll really like to hear it actually, it’s hard to know someone thinks when they don’t actually say anything

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{insert objection gif here}
Isn’t putting your trust blindly into a person or thing religious by nature and therefore conservative?

Also I don’t get how you see amrock as similar to me Eevee I don’t think we are anything alike from watching him talk

Like this post and I’ll hard claim I’m masons with you all game and never rescind it.


I think you are a cute kitten
and my daughter loves you
and my daughter is more intelligent than I
so I just listen to her

That’s blatant misrepresentation
“Vote Blue no matter who” is a known phrase meant to signify blind trust in the liberal agenda, promoting non gamer tactics

Rekt by facts and logic

i just got fucked by facts and logic


What’s interesting to me is having a personal goal what you want to do with your class only secondary towards the main objective by eliminating opposing factions

Remember I killed Possessed because of death threat? On that deduction I’d feeling that he’s not taking it lightly and thus killing him instead before he has a chance to do so.

And that memory should be fresh still.

Next forward to the next game, instead of working against Possessed, I put him on the towncore and in the end, he lead the rest of the town to lynch the last scum member alive.

I was idiot however my death have being a purpose for the game

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You probably have quite a few opinions about what’s going on in the news cycle right now, but it’s important to remember one thing: you’re wrong. Here’s why. To start, you’re completely missing the point and everything you think is actually at odds with reality when you look at the data. In fact, you’re nowhere close to being accurate. It’s simple to understand when you stop for a second and actually look at the issues. Once you open your eyes, you’ll see that you’re wrong about each and every one of them, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. “But what about this other thing I heard?” No, if the past is any indication of the future, not only is there no chance that you’ll ever be right, all signs suggest you will never even come close once in your lifetime. The only way you’ll ever be right is to repeat everything I say word-for-word to every single person you know. Until then, you’re wrong.

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Base this is 1st Small Tank authenticate host over.

ST, this is Base this is a directed NET - of what precedence and for whom are your messages over.

You probably have quite a few opinions about what’s going on in the news cycle right now, but it’s important to remember one thing: you’re wrong. Here’s why. To start, you’re completely missing the point and everything you think is actually at odds with reality when you look at the data. In fact, you’re nowhere close to being accurate. It’s simple to understand when you stop for a second and actually look at the issues. Once you open your eyes, you’ll see that you’re wrong about each and every one of them, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. “But what about this other thing I heard?” No, if the past is any indication of the future, not only is there no chance that you’ll ever be right, all signs suggest you will never even come close once in your lifetime. The only way you’ll ever be right is to repeat everything I say word-for-word to every single person you know. Until then, you’re wrong.

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When is this gonna start