[Singups] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (31/X)

this can only end badly

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/ita italy

5 shots fire

Base this is 1st ST - info - maximum number of players in this game over.

I am infamous of being the first shooter successfully hit someone in town.

hehe get it, town?

You probably have quite a few opinions about what’s going on in the in this game right now, but it’s important to remember one thing: you’re wrong. Here’s why. To start, you’re completely misreading people and everything you think is actually at odds with reality when you look at the game state. In fact, you’re nowhere close to having accurate reads. It’s simple to understand what’s going on in the game state when you stop for a second and actually look at people’s posts. Once you open your eyes, you’ll see that you’re wrong about each and every read you have, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. “But what about this other post I saw?” No, if the past is any indication of the future, not only is there no chance that you’ll ever be right, all signs suggest you will never even come close once in your lifetime. The only way you’ll ever be right about the game is to repeat everything I say word-for-word to every single person in the game you know. Until then, you’re wrong.


You probably have quite a few opinions about what’s going on in the in this game right now, but it’s important to remember one thing: you’re wrong. Here’s why. To start, you’re completely misreading people and everything you think is actually at odds with reality when you look at the game state. In fact, you’re nowhere close to having accurate reads. It’s simple to understand what’s going on in the game state when you stop for a second and actually look at people’s posts. Once you open your eyes, you’ll see that you’re wrong about each and every read you have, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. “But what about this other post I saw?” No, if the past is any indication of the future, not only is there no chance that you’ll ever be right, all signs suggest you will never even come close once in your lifetime. The only way you’ll ever be right about the game is to repeat everything I say word-for-word to every single person you know. Until then, you’re wrong.

1st ST this is base - message - however much will sign up during incoming 3 days. Mike Tango Foxtrot. Base out.

why did this ping me


You pwobabwy have quite a few opinyions about what’s going on in the in this game wight nyow, but it’s impowtant to wemembew onye thing: you’we wwong. Hewe’s why. To stawt, you’we compwetewy misweading peopwe and evewything you think is actuawwy at odds with weawity when you wook at the game state. In fact, you’we nyowhewe cwose to having accuwate weads. It’s simpwe to undewstand what’s going on in the game state when you stop fow a second and actuawwy wook at peopwe’s posts. Once you open youw eyes, you’ww see that you’we wwong about each and evewy wead you have, wwong, wwong, wwong, wwong. “But what about this othew post I saw?” Nyo, if the past is any indication of the futuwe, nyot onwy is thewe nyo chance that you’ww evew be wight, aww signs suggest you wiww nyevew even come cwose once in youw wifetime. The onwy way you’ww evew be wight about the game is to wepeat evewything I say wowd-fow-wowd to evewy singwe pewson you knyow. Untiw then, you’we wwong.


Burn this entire forum down

Also, singups?

when there’s 4 extra slots but they say they hit the cap

you know what
im gonna owospeak this entire game

we have no fire insurance

We’re doing karaoke

Theirs no cap

Loser fucking dies

then let me in

From what I was told, looking forward to possibly seeing some old faces

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