Small_Tank has exploded. They were

will it actually be productive

I’m guessing the reason this whole debacle happened is because this forum is full of idiot teenagers


I think people get too sucked into this forum and get too friendly with each other and form weird parasocial bonds

maybe I’m a grinch but I don’t think it’s healthy a lot of the stuff that happens on this forum/the discord



accurate 2

also note that I don’t want to reveal too much but I’m guilty of all of the things I’ve mentioned



I wouldn’t consider it parasocial in the fact that i’d consider the people here friends and they’d consider that back? It’s not like i’m simping over some sexy e-FM player. I think toxicity on the forums and discord is a lack of established boundries (or a lack of caring about the boundries) coupled with the fact that the forum is full of teenage angst and run by recent angsty teenagers, or worse, katze.


Why cant we just generally be

not dicks to ppl

and also have signifigantly better and more enforced toxicity rules


this is probably more helpful

I feel like this is one of the biggest issues

theirs no real standard of whats okay

and it more so seems to depend on how much mods like said people

I guess the thing is I hate you all so I’m very confused by the fact you people can tolerate each other enough to be friends.

I’m forever taking this quote out of context


I’d say the extremely easy solution is ‘actually punish toxicity’ (I said this in the moderation thread but I don’t think anything came of it) but if someone gets heated enough to where a game needs to be on pause to take a break, then something besides ‘ignore it’ needs to be done.


I also think that

to at the very least some extent

that people should be responsible on the forums for things said in discord dms etc to other members of the communtiy.

Not for general toxicity stuff but like, in cases where someone heavily crosses the line on something said I think that mods should still care


I’m guessing the issue is that with how forum mafia is played

I think the mods kinda forget how toxic people are if you get what I’m saying

Since there’s usually a while between incidents of toxicity on the forums, one can play devils advocate and say the mods just want to play it safe/don’t realize when it’s the same offenders

i cannot tell if this is serious or not

This is definitley not the case

I can’t really say anything about discord stuff considering I haven’t been around long enough and I’ve only seen one major incident and from the sounds of it I probably don’t want to

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use reads lmao
