Small_Tank has exploded. They were

Like it dosent need to be grand just a message like hey we saw your flag and let this person know this wasn’t okay thanks for bringing it to our attention Kinda thing

I’m fine with this.
I’m also fine with people knowing if action was taken or action wasn’t.
I am not fine with a fireworks show. That’s my stance, really.

Do mods keep track of all like warnings

A Jury system is bad btw. Don’t use a Jury system.
That is a terrible idea. We just need mods to be stricter.
(no offense Whysper, I know your head was in the right place but it doesn’t work)


Goodbye, Eevee, it was fun playing with you and also having you as a host (and reviewer). I’m glad you’re prioritizing your health, and that you’re also taking the opportunity to point out that something can and should be done here to help this forum get back on the right track, so that it’s healthy for everyone.

Anyway, you know where to find me if you ever just wanna chat. And maybe I’ll see you around on other sites, too.

But you can change how they’re enforced and how you enforce them
Mods define the line of

What do mods consider this?
You guys probably need to create a system so you’re all on the same page.
I feel like too much is going by discretion; which is why harsher things aren’t being given out.

There’s a fireworks show for blacklists and suspensions. Why no fireworks show for warns and silences?

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There should at least be a fireworks show for FM warns, since that does seem to be in control of the mods

There is a fireworks show for these things in the #public-logs channel on the ToL Discord

no, that encourages drama and you know how did it went

#public-logs is nsfw and not allowed to be talked. Do you really think it is a firework show?

It is not. #justice is, which shows ToL suspensions and not warnings. I’m talking about #public-logs, which shows Discord suspensions, warns, mutes, etc.

my point still stands, nobody discuss about it, so it is really a firework show?

Maybe fireworks show is an extreme way of saying it, but my point is, on these forums a lot of disciplinary action (and seemingly other stuff) is done super privately while other things are made public. Meanwhile, on the ToL Discord, all disciplinary action is made public.

and why would publicly showing warns be a good idea?

More reassurance that the mods have taken action against something, more explanation when more serious disciplinary action is taken, and more transparency as a whole

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as well as:

I don’t think warnings need to be completely public but like

I think someone who flagged a post should know


they don’t need to be public, i just think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages

All this info is made public in the ToL Discord, whether it be a warning or a ban.

I censored everything I had to, right?