Smalltowns and Dragons (WIP: Do not join yet)

I think it should be clarified that when I say flipless in this context, I obviously mean that their alignment doesn’t flip upon death. Everything else is already known at the start.

Alright I think this game can be pretty balanced if the Kill system works the way you say it works

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Regicide is essentially flipless


is this a commute or a passive Ability

can this talk to dead people? Can you change your target in the middle of the day?

Only the living, and you can change your target during the day

This is a commute

So if a Kobold or Dragonborn dies first does the changeling get into the og neighborhood or do they get their own one with the alive dragonkin?

Is this a perm neighborhood or is it a per night basis?

Changeling - they would get a new neighbourhood with the living dragonkin

Sorcerer - their neighbourhoods are a per-night basis.

By the way mafia don’t have day chat in this correct?

How does this interact with elf

What’s your take? I’m undecided. Should it just be a case of “your partner is x” without a chat?

Give them your partner is X. The roles like mystic or Neighbhorhood aren’t useful to mafia if there’s day chat

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Elf wouldn’t see the ability go off.

I suggest making a order of operations to see what Ability goes first and ect

No notification I’m assuming right?

I think there’s something that’s going to go wrong here specifically surrounding Kill abilities. I don’t know exactly let me try to think why

I think to keep everything balanced kill wise then they can’t use an ability of someone who has zero uses left to it but that’s just my opinion.

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I think it works either way but a 12p setup is pretty small for potentially 4 kill abilities

Maybe make this immune to fighter however the poison is delayed 2 nights. This makes poisoner a little stronger while nerfing fighter.