Snoop - Neutral Killing
Passive 1: Insomnia - You know who visits you
Passive 2: Forwarding - You are night and occupy Immune
Day ability 1: Sabatoge - This night your target will not be night Immune. (3 uses)
Day ability 2: Bug - You receive any system messages your target receives this night (unlimited use)
Night Ability 1: Trap - Kill your target (1 use)
Night Ability 2: Examine - Discover your targets class. You also gain another use of trap. (Unlimited use)
Note: Sabatoge does not effect healing. It does however affect temperary forms of night Immunity such as a kings guard.
Bug will only give you messages that were received at the end of the night that were not caused by thier own night action. You will for example know if they were attacked and healed but not if they were linked by a psychic.