What happened?
Well there was a reaper, and when unseen died on n3, the reaper turned into the mastermind
What was SUPPOSED to happen?
Steps to reproduce:
Take a look at this bug (or maybe explain if this was supposed to happen)
A neutral class turned into the unseen, how is that possible
Is this a thing now?
Ok let me explain in better detail, this game was an hour ago, I was prince and the mastermind was executed on trial d3 (with a failed convert) when the reaper turned into MM, I exed him in jail the first night he was mm, meaning we won the game d4, because dead assasin and dead NK/MM
In jail he quoted “so, I was reaper, but then I turned into Mastermind” I honest to god thought he was lying, but that photo above was after the game, meaning this was no defile, this was real. The also were only a merc and pretender.
Weird right?