The Crier
Blue Dragon Social
Passive (Busy) - Immune to Occupation and Redirection.
Day Ability (Chat) - Talk to a player tonight.(Infinite Uses - Can NOT target the same player Twice. Your Target will get occupied. Only the target will be able to speak.)
Night Ability (Secrets) - Select two players. Those players will be able to whisper each other privately tomorrow.(Infinite Uses - Can NOT Target Yourself or The King)
Night Ability (Eavesdrop) - Target a player. You will get their abilities’ feedback.(Infinite Uses - Can NOT see Conversions and Attacks.)
Goal: Defeat The Unseen/The Cult and any Neutrals that seek you harm.Converts into:
The Carrier
Unseen Social
Passive (Busy) - Immune to Occupation and Redirection.
Passive (Undetectable) - The Unseen will be able to whisper hiddenly during the day.Day Ability (Chat) - Talk to a player tonight.(Infinite Uses - Can NOT target the same player Twice. Your Target will get occupied. Only the target will be able to speak.The Unseen will be able to hear the conversation.)
Night Ability (Detected) - Select two players. Those players will be able to whisper each other privately tomorrow.(Infinite Uses - Can NOT Target Yourself or The King. You will be able to see the content of those whispers)
Night Ability (Helper in Need) - Target and frame a player. You will get their abilities’ feedback.(Infinite Uses - Can NOT see Conversions and Attacks.)
Goal: Defeat The Blue Dragon and any Neutrals that seek you harm.
The Weakened
Neutral Social
Passive (Weakened) - You will lose a passive/ability every time you get attacked.(1st : Occupation And Redirection Immunity , 2nd : Your Day Abilities , 3rd : Your Night Abilities , 4th : Your Death Immunity)
Passive (Seen it all) - Immune to Redirection and Occupation. Immune to Death at Night.Day Ability (Make Your Mark) - Send a message telepathically to all living players.(1 Use)
Day Ability (Robber) - Prevent a player from voting.(2 Uses)Night Ability (Leadership) - Make a player target you. You will get their abilities’ feedback.(Infinite Uses - Can See Conversions and Attacks)
Night Ability (Secret) - Silence a player.(3 Uses)
Goal: Survive.
The Diplomat
Blue Dragon Social
Passive (Seen as Corrupt) - You will appear suspicious when Investigated by The Sheriff or The Paladin.
Passive (Royal Blood) - Can put your name forward for nominations to become the next King.Night Ability (Written) - Send a message to a player. They will not know who sent it.(Infinite Uses - Can NOT target The King)
Night Ability (Royal Decree) - Prevents a player from being voted tomorrown.(Infinite Uses - Can NOT target The King)
Goal: Defeat The Unseen/The Cult and any Neutrals that seek you harm.Converts into:
The Envoy
Unseen Social
Passive (Royal Blood) - Can put your name forward for nominations to become the next King.
Night Ability (Mysterious Note) - Send a message to a player. They will not know who sent it. They will be silenced.(Infinite Uses - The Player will not be notified that they have been silenced.)
Night Ability (Royal Announcement) - Prevents a player from voting tomorrow.(Infinite Uses - Can NOT Target The King)
Goal: Defeat The Blue Dragon and any Neutrals that seek you harm.