Something I want to know about other's opinion on NKs

Do you agree with this statement : “Neutral Killers are just there to speed up the game. They aren’t designed to win.” ?

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If that was the case we would put a regular SK in the game.


NK should win 15-20% of the time

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No. NKs should be a threat. Right now they’re still just an annoyance, though the recent patch did help. They should be treated as a minority faction. After all, they are one player going up against 2 factions and probably some neuts.

Agreed. Sorcerer’s old win rate(which was somewhere between those) is what the NK win rate should be.


I find Reaper to be a threat


if you let them survive until the late game, they should be able to win completely

is what NKs should be


Possessor isn’t though. It has a hard time killing the MM and king, and passwords out him late game. Sorcerer is in a weird area. It’s KPN is great(too strong even), but it is lacking in everything else. IMO sorcerer should be given back circle of death as a magic missile replacement and gather darkness should become a night ability. Gather darkness could be buffed and/or reaper could receive another ability as a day ability(Ghostwrite?).

And they should have some additional tools to help them survive

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sorc needs missile for consistent KPN

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NK’s should have an “OH CRAP!!!” Moment when facing a good one


Possessor has the potential for one with Possess making moments where the one person you trusted was the Possessor all along. However it falls flat in practice


Sorcerer of course has Detonate

No I highly disagree. I find Neutral Killers to be the most entertaining out of any classes. And it’s so satisfying when you win as them.


Agreed. Reaper is generally pretty terrifying.

Possessor CAN be terrifying in the hands of a great player. Being a Possessor requires a LOT of planning and strategy, and most Possessors just kill people and jump randomly without using their journals to their advantage.


Honestly Sorcerer is even more terrifying.

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Anyone who thinks NK’s aren’t there to help evil’s win without making evil OP are deluding themselves. I’d say 85% of games where NK is killed early the evil faction loses. 95% if the evil faction is unseen who rely upon a blitz type of game to win

Where did you get that number, I think you mixed it up when trying to times the BD IQ.


Even if you were right why are you assuming that the NK can only serve one purpose?

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Yes they have a lot of utility abilities for BD I forgot :thinking:

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