Speak only in emojis

:point_up: :+1:



:roll_eyes: :frowning: :angry:

:speak_no_evil: :abc:

:slight_smile: :question:

:mithras::sparkles::fool::grinning::star_struck::last_quarter_moon::star2::stars::stew::green_salad::cut_of_meat::gift::heartpulse::tada::diamonds::volleyball::ping_pong::angola::canada::bhutan::botswana::brunei::us_outlying_islands::timor_leste::swaziland::peru::northern_mariana_islands::macedonia::kuwait::kr::jamaica::cambodia::taiwan: :crown::eyeglasses:

Translation In English Using Google:

Mithras likes stars, fools, happy but he loves face with star, moons light star, shooting star. Mithras likes to eat random food and loves presents and diamonds, and party stuff. Random Ball likes random thing and a bunch of countries and crowns with sun glasses



Google Translation in English:

I spoke using emojis, I just used google to translate


:ab: :-1:
:ab: :gun:



Translation in English using Google:

Is google not allowed, I’m sad





:orange_heart: :fool: :angry:

:burrito: :love_letter: :psychic:


1 Like

:-1: :prince:

:+1: :possessor:

:neutral_face: :psychic:



:crescent_moon: :-1: :prince:
:earth_africa: :heavy_minus_sign: :crescent_moon: :+1: :prince: