Spyfall (Game 1 Simon wins)

I’m looking for 6 players for a tourney like series of 10 Spyfall rounds. In spyfall, 5 players are told a location and their role at that location, The remaining player is a spy, and is told no information. The informed players have to ask questions to the other players in a bid to identify who the spy is amongst them. The spy has to figure out the location from what people are asking.

Each round, I will randomly select a player to ask the first question to another player. The person they question will then ask the next question and so forth until a 15 questions are asked. At that point, I will call time. Each player will then vote for who the spy is - majority vote deciding.

If the spy is correctly identified, they will have one guess at the location. If they are correct, they still win (and get one point). If they guess incorrectly, everyone else gets one point.

If the majority votes the wrong player, the spy gets two points.

At any point, players may call a vote early. It requires a majority (4) on any player to have a vote processed. If the early vote is correct and the spy fails to guess the location, each non-spy gets 2 points.

The spy can guess the location before a vote is called. If they are correct, they get 3 points. Otherwise, all informed players get 2 points.

If the spy is voted by one person, they cannot guess the location. Votes are reset when a new question is asked. The spy can stack a guess with me in dms if someone keeps locking them down.

The only rules in regards to questions is that you must answer as your assigned role. I will punish players who try to circumvent this rule. EG: If the location was ‘Prision’ - I’d expect a guard to answer differently to an inmate.

Sign ups

  1. PUBG
  2. Marl
  3. OandB5
  4. Optimus
  5. Better love story
  6. Simone

Current Scores

Simon - 14points
Marl - 11points
Unknown - 9points
Orange - 8points
Max - 8points
Twilight - 4points



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how dare you just put “Noz” it is extremely trivializing the struggle of people by shorterning their nams you need to fucking check your privileged
(this is a meme I don’t mind you put just Noz)

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/in as long as inactivity is ok




u need to check ur privledge not all of us went to school

I’m not timing the rounds per se, but I expect like at least being able to check in every 24 hours

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That’s fine


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My name better say litten…


At least now i can try somethin’


Welcome to hell <3




Gotta get them memes in

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if we get one more I assume we are starting?

I was in hell couple of times.

I respect.


Maybe not imediately

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This will consume all of your free time until you become a robot and only do forum games…WELCOME TO HELL 2.0

Ro…bot you… say?


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