Spyfall (Game 1 Simon wins)

@Simon @Twil1ight @orangeandblack5 @Marluxion I highly suggest you vote Fire

Vote Count

Fire (1) - Noz

/vote fire

Can I answer my own question?

Doesn’t it remind you of a song?

No one say anything that would give more info

Simon if your still voting me after this I know you are the spy.

You know good and well what song it is.

Sorry love I will keep giving it till I stopped getting voted.

He wins auto then.

:man_shrugging: a lot of things have songs attached to tgem

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Dann singe ich ein Lied für dich
Von 99 Luftballons
Und, dass sowas von sowas kommt

99 Luftballons
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Hielt man für Ufos aus dem All
Darum schickte ein General
'Ne Fliegerstaffel hinterher
Alarm zu geben, wenn’s so wär
Dabei war’n dort am Horizont
Nur 99 Luftballons

99 Düsenflieger
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Hielten sich für Captain Kirk
Es gab ein großes Feuerwerk
Die Nachbarn haben nichts gerafft
Und fühlten sich gleich angemacht
Dabei schoss man am Horizont
Auf 99 Luftballons

sorry whenever I think about airplanes this song plays in my head :stuck_out_tongue:

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I just here for the view.

Well if you aren’t the spy and he wins cause of you we know who to blame

Nope. if your voting me he auto wins. I am giving info till I don’t feel threaten’d to lose by y’all.

Nope not getting blamed. Better than losing auto.

You know what’s a better way to not be voted than to give info?
Asking good questions



If he guesses it before vote it is entirely your fault
If you are voted and not spy then it is ours
But otherwise, yours

Vote Count

Fire (2) - Noz, Simon

simon I have been proven by the statement up there


No, in fact the fact that the spy hasbt guesses yet makes me think your the spy