Spyfall (Game 1 Simon wins)

Wow Simon


May I explain what happend as I put airplane in?




It’s actually outer space

You knew i was sapping your sentries tho

also you have no fucking idea how much i was panicking when i was being voted

Should have trusted my gut…

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both yours and orange’s guts were right, yee

Honestly though

Normally I’d take a minute here to rag on twilight but I’ll refrain lol

It’s just that their ISO looks exactly like what I’d expect the spy to say, do, and think

I’d be willing to cut twlight some slack tho, it is their first game it seems like

no there is very much a reason for my question
none of you picked up on it
assuming all of the ones i said related to an fol/tol action, and in knowing its kinda metaphorical, who would still say window?

That’s why I’m refraining

Marl gets two points

Location Sightseeing Bus


Noz - Tourist
Marl - Spy
Orange - Tourist
Litten - Lone Tourist
Twilight - Lost Person
Simon - Driver

Round two will begin shortly

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We didn’t ask any specific questions to twlight to be fair
I’m the only one who asked them and I had no fucking clue where to lead them

I asked them one

hold on for a bit and let us discuss before jumping into a new round


That’s my plan

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