Spyfall (Game 1 Simon wins)

TBH I need to read what it was again I forgot



Imb4 Marl actually got spy again…

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I know mark is very scummy

I work here. I love soft serve drinks.


ask me

@Simon How would you get here?
A) Airplane
B) Driving
C) Walking
D) Swimming

I’ll have to say vacuum cleaner

ah, should have been open ended, then i could’a gotten creative.
B, but may i be a bit more specific?


ask your question

Ask twilight?

well the specificity has to do with my role…

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To bad

Roles are fun

Who you asking

I say orange/Twight

Ask Fire a question


Ur spy and wanting to avoid questions obvious

you know, its funny,
you say that, and yet:
have you answered a question this round?

Hey marl, what would you say is your ‘favorite’ part of the bed?

like, the pillows, the blankets, the sheets, the mattress, etc., you know?

(not related to role so no need to answer in character)