Spyfall (Game 1 Simon wins)

C’était moi! Je sapais toutes vos sentinelles tout le long et vous les imbéciles n’avez pas la moindre idée

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Hey who says we can’t vote them
Right now

/Vote Noz

Use google translate for that

It was me! I was sapping all your sentinels all along and you fools do not have a clue
-Google translate


get your filthy hands off of our sentinels
and guess already
it’s done publicly in the thread
if you give us a chance to vote you it might not count as deciding early, lel

just do like
/Guess location

Vote him marl then!

/Vote Noz

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/Vote Noz

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Hurry vote them!

@orangeandblack5 @Simon We found spy vote him quick! It’s Noz!

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This just makes sure they have to guess faster so they can’t delay it

Maybe a point less

/guess stadium

Is that a final answer


Well your wrong

Where are the cables in this stadium?

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Btw I meant wifi service. Get it if you added the word to wifi

/vote Noz