Spyfall (Game 1 Simon wins)

/vote Unknown

2 votes on me now.

/Vote unknown

One more and it is over.
It is Twil1ght.

I know for a fact orange isn’t the spy at least, now. He would have hammered if he was.

Why is it twilight? explain.

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Their answer to my question did make zero sense.

Your question made no sense to begin with.

Yes exactly.

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But they didn’t seem to notice that Marl.

Yea because for sure everyone understood your question when you asked it first time.

If it was anyone else who didn’t figured out you would also say “X is spy”.

@Unknown how many hours do you get to sleep, on average?

There is a hidden meaning that could point to the away team but it is superfluous.
The normal answer is “WTF teams are you talking about you spy”
How can Twil1ght answer that question with “Home team” so calmly?
Because they are the spy!

“Camly” in internet lmao.

Their question to me seemed ok

Twilight has demonstrated through their questions that they know the location.

You have not.

/vote Unknown to make sure he didnt guess

I just here eating :popcorn:

This has nothing to do with the game.