Spyfall (Game 1 Simon wins)

Marl no




I was gonna vote him too

Yeah don’t

I feel like my question will be able to determine if Simon is the spy with 100% efficiency without giving away the location though


Twilight answer ask marl a good question

Probably not. They’re only against souless harming animals or ilegal hunting.

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/vote Simon to make sure spy wouldnt guess.

Bad question leads to bad answer w/e

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i can’t do anything about it. It depends what things are happening here.

That’s fine. Ask me a question

Anything other than a resounding NO is a spy claim.

/vote Twil1ight


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/vote Twil1ght

Unknown are you high rn

Bad question = Bad answer bucko. :man_shrugging:

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Ask me something, I dont even care what

Make it good tho