Spyfall (Game 1 Simon wins)


Umm i don’t see his question…

I knew it

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It was in the same post as his guess.

They should’ve mentioned sleeping nervously the night before when orange asked them about sleep

What was that question and answers again?
Im on mobile and too lazy to find it

k i see.

well it was a general question. Not a question about the last night.

But your role was making you suspicious. You should’ve taken the opportunity to soft your role

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The correct answer is hair brush


Seriously next time stop giving that kind of question’s if you don’t want make any confusions.

Chopsticks were a bait after the chinese food joke earlier

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but not for you.

I thought he guessed cause I said it would be to easy.

Or at least explain clearly.

Then again using animals in entertainment is one of the things PETA does not like.

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I thought your answer was fine, the question was bleh Imo.

TBH Firekitten played the best out of all of us there
I think objectively
He made it clear he knew the location without giving any info at all


I agree, that one was weak

It was weak because i didn’t know all rules. This is why i put “Probably”.