Spyfall (Game 1 Simon wins)

Just change it to “Votes, except votes on the questioning person, are reset when a new question is asked.”

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Exacly. From your perspective do you think it was fair round for “Town”?

Yes and no.
If I would not have been able to lock down it directly after asking, I would have stayed safe with the twin brother.

But generally it is something that needs a fix.

I’m not gonna say what i think about your statement.
Instead… @Moleland
“Votes, except votes on the questioning person, are reset when a new question is asked.”
Can you please update rules before we’ll start next round?

And this is susceptible to one strat may I add(that you would have surely employed against me)
A to B:
Now B has to wait for the SECOND next question until they can guess.

I was assuming that I’d have been voted as safety… so I couldnt have guessed then.

If he was suspected why he should be able to guess? Spy gameplay is all about gathering information about the potential location without being caught. There is nothing wrong about it.

This is fine to me…

If you able to guess correcly without being caught then that means you did a great job and your win is deserved.
Example: Round One.
I’m pretty sure if Marl have enough time, he would probably guessed correcly without being caught. (Town lost because of mislynch but it’s not the case).


inb4 we all just circular vote

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Maybe another rule: “Everyone can only vote three times before the questioning round ends” to prevent overzealous voting?

Perhaps too restricting

How so? You are not supposed to fling around your vote but use it if you know who is evil.

But what I do is this /Vote random

/Unvote Vote random

/Unvote vote random


Town shouldn’t be random voting and should t think before they vote, however, I don’t think restricting votes is the way to do it. If they want to random vote causing more confusion, that’s their own fault. Tbh it would be a lot simpler if they explained why they wanted to or the player first. But if you have to put a restriction, then fine, 3-4 votes is ok.

then you have to hope that

  1. all others agree on a lynch
  2. you kill the spy after questioning.


Or I just don’t follow that rule

then mole would not count your votes… simple as that.