Spyfall (Game 1 Simon wins)

How about that?
“Only first vote would prevent accused from guessing”
That way Town couldn’t literally been able to prevent anyone from voting

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so you have a First Vote(the first vote you make) and other votes?
And only the first vote you make stops?
I like this idea!

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That’s correct. Okay now it’s fixed.

I’d be ok with the addition of a First Vote rule and a Not Self Questioning Acquittal rule

However, you could still DM the answer to Mole and it would count as soon as the question by someone else is made.

Sure just make it that the first vote prevents them from guessing if they are the Spy for two questions (and answers)

No why?

It’s a Spy fault that he bring too much attention to himself. :man_shrugging:

Nah. It is enough to make their own questions not stopping the lockdown. If someone else screws up then it is the responsibility of the one who screwed up and that is not the spy.

It’s okay. If the Spy wasn’t suspected by anyone that leads up not being voted then it’s completely fine.

Oh look moleland is here to tell you your role. Time for me to spectate and watch the spy win again
Edit: he stopped typing after I posted this lul

If we are talking meta strats, letting unknown win is ideal for me lel

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Albeit unintended

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“unintended” :thinking:
We’ll see

I’m okay with that but it doesn’t mean we shoudn’t update rules. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Just give me a Spy and then we could talk about decrease Spy winrate. :smiley:

Inb4 you’re actually the spy

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Unknown gets three points. If Simon and orange can honestly say they wouldn’t allow unknown to ask his question, then I’ll consider a rule change. The only difference it is making is how many points the spy gets. Plus, unknown is behind anyway.

Race Track

Unknown - spy
Marl - Mechanic
Orange - food vendor
Litten - Team Owner
Twilight - spectator
Simon - spectator

Or how about this:
The spy can guess while there’s votes on them, but its for points as if they were voted and guessed it right

I always sell stuff