Spyfall (Game 1 Simon wins)

Unknown ask a question xd

@Unknown come here!

@Marluxion What do you think, how many people visit this on average per day: 75 or less, between 75 or and 200, or more?

Marl’s asleep you should’ve asked someone else

Marl is good at being undercover. It makes sense to ask them before they have an idea.

@Marluxion I guess see ya in next century!

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75 or less

@MaximusPrime What’s your favorite animals to look at here?

Why didn’t you ask Simon?

Why would I? Max hasn’t had to answer anything yet either.

Simon has more points duh.

well, now it is sealed anyways.

I don’t want Simon to have the next question anyway
as he’ll get subnautica with it

@Moleland WHERE IS MY LOCATION???!!?!


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I’ll get WHAT NOW?

too deep


Yeah that would probably happen

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