Spyfall (Game 1 Simon wins)

Yeah okay.
It’s a similarly obvious thing for my q
What’s I common phrase to answer mine irl?

Still too deep

It’s a negative answer, if it helps

formalize your question with an @ please

Not really and just forget it

We still have two people that have been asked zero questions

You get nine questions left

is everyone playing 4D chess with their questions LUL


/vote Simon
Right now.

Who hasn’t been asked yet?

Yeah that wasn’t meant to be my question, forgot I had it

@Twil1ight which acronym would you say isbyhe most relevant?

What the fuck even is this question

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/vote Simon

Yeah I was thinking about something else, but I didn’t know how to format it

I just woke up, I can kinda see the princess answer I think but I’d have to check further. lemme get caught up real quick before I start voting

Bro it’s more points to guess early and someone all but gave away the location already
I would stack a guess with mole if I was spy

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so you say it is the only one who wasn’t on here, Twil1ight?

I don’t really get it…

A good hint I think, if it helps, is that it’s about fame

I don’t think marl or Simon is the spy tbh