Spyfall (Game 1 Simon wins)

@Firelitten you should ask Orange if he plans on staying here for an extended period of time

That’s fair, although I think you could do better if you knew the exact location

Come up with a question that convinces me you’re innocent.

First i would hear your answer if you don’t mind. :wink:


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You do realize you’re asking me to skate on thin ice here
If i ask too good of a question i’ll give away where we are
If i ask one that’s too bad i’ll be hung and the spy will win


Pick one

Certain loss or potential loss

I expect a decent question idea

“How old are you?”

that’s as obvious as i can get without being a dead giveaway

There is still 5 Question’s left. We don’t need vote anyone for now. Just be patient.

We do get extra points if we guess the spy early

Something to consider

Okay orange


For now im suspecting Orange and Noz.

But still i prefer to wait at least 2-3 Questions.

Why are you here?


Ping him with the question so he gets it


Why u here

I’ll come back for the question duh

Now how do I not spoil the location with this question

I flew to this city with my family to see a show, among other things

Orange isn’t the spy