Spyfall (Game 1 Simon wins)

3 questions remain, after Noz answers

I vist here very often for inspiration

Your question

Mole is it okay if I replace out? After this round

Only one way out.

And that way is a painful way.

/Vote Simon
I don’t think we need the last two questions, might as well get bonus points.

TBH I think we have to do what is best for our game.

@Moleland marl is ahead right? How
Many rounds? We may have to start voting marl to give us a chance to win.

/Vote Simon

That moment you misspell Simon

You do realize if you just vote me and i’m not the spy ONLY the spy will get ahead right?

@Ami @Twil1ight @orangeandblack5
If anyone wants to vote Simon, that’d be nice.
ISO him if you aren’t convinced.


But soon if we want to have a. Chance
To win we may have to start voting you no matter what.

You win by trying your hardest to win every game, not just spam voting me

It’s a point round system right?

Yes but if you are town
And you vote me up while you know i am town

You will get no points
Only the spy will.
Meaning only the spy can benefit from a policy lynch like that.

Yes but say it’s the last round.

We may have to soon

You realize we’re at round 3

out of TEN, right?

mkay I’m confident enough that i’ll take a risk for bonus points, even if Simon is an easy mislynch.

/Guess Cemetery

Did you see my latest question

If I’m wrong, I got baited super fucking hard