Spyfall (Game 1 Simon wins)

Simon appears to be offline feel free to test me real quick

Why would you expect it to be C?

Bait in case simon is on

A would be the next best choice after B

fr tho shoot me a quick q

No multiple choice either

I don’t think It’s Simon

Actually i feel we should ask Unknown for a reason why did he pick that answer first, but i hope you’re right about it.

Then who?

Unknowns Answer was perfect
It’s the only acceptable answer from someone who would think this place is stressful

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Unknown seems solid

As do you

As does Fire

Twilight? I forget what they’ve done

It is true yes.

I think we share roles

Twilight hasn’t done anything

Yeah nvm I forgot about Twilight

A quick ISO shows they’ve answered no questions

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I know way too much about location to be a spy.

Prove it :blush:

If you don’t sure then ask me a question.

Okay darling. :blush: