Spyfall (Game 1 Simon wins)

Is noz in or should I revote

Really guys it stop being funny. :confused:

I’ll at least wait until Maxiboi answers before reapplying my vote
He/She can’t guess accurately if we haven’t given any clues to the location yet anyway


Not useful.
The question is total crap. You cannot determine if the answer comes from spy or not.

Noz isn’t in

@Moleland Can the spy change their question if it hasn’t been answered yet?

Nobody can tbh, you gotta stick with it

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That’s what I meant
can the question asker, not spy

i would remind you who was pushing me really hard in one of the previous rounds and give Simon enough time to guess.

Bad example.
Simon in that round should have been voted for earlier.

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Exacly then why he wasn’t?

Because I’m bad


Because we were afraid to vote quickly.

See? And now it’s same thing over and over.


Then just do it lost your points and let the spy earn points. :man_shrugging:

@Marluxion @orangeandblack5 @Simon @MaximusPrime
Vote Twil1ight they slipped up. Do not make any additional comments- they should not be able to guess the location.

What if I want them to know the location

…I’m going to have Maximus ask me the next question and then i’m going to ask you a question, Unknown.

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why would you WANT them to know the location?