Spyfall (Game 1 Simon wins)

Noz left due to personal reasons that I know of.
Kitten, idk, probably the fact that it’s hard to explain things when he doesn’t in FM and FoL
(P-Edit: Timing in which Kitten comes back. Sorry Kitten <3 )

@Moleland Come here and announce the results!

I’m here to make everyone smile

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I missed ya in this game. :disappointed_relieved:

I left cause I was SERIOUSLY in EVERY GAME

That wouldn’t be so bad if Unknown wasn’t acting like a jerk. This thing literally ruined my whole expierence.

But didn’t you actually sign up to other games as well? :thinking:


And I don’t want to be landslided when the games fill

Oh I get your point.

This game while cool and all isn’t my type of game. Even if I stayed I wouldn’t of got spy

Don’t worry I don’t mind to get a spy couple of times. My expierence was already ruined so I was more like asking some strange and obvious questions to see who they would act.

Welp, Incorrect

Location Pirate Ship


Unknown - Cannoneer
Marl - Bound Prisoner
Orange - Cabin Boy
Max - Cook
Twilight - Spy
Simon -Press-ganged Crewman

Final Scores

Simon Wins with 16 points
Marl kept him honest until the end, finishing with 13points
Unknown was unable to catch the leaders, finishes way off in 3rd with 11 points
Orange and Max finish with an honest 10points
Twilight brings up the rear with 4points.

Like I said, I think you didn’t ask enough locational questions, EG: ‘What’s the view like here?’ ‘Do you see many strangers here’ ‘Are there any weapons here.’


yeah you all just asked metaphorical list questions to try seem clever


Some of them were p good

Some just sucked lol

When I played IRL,my sort of questions found the spy quickly, and tended to not give them any location hints

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Give out the awards now!

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Or were submarines

my paper plate awards



The amazing sheep herding award



the person who got his role confused with the location Award goes to


Best Spy


Repeating Basic Training


Coal Miner


Calming Presence



It was, overall, fun… except the conversation between me and Twil1ight, that was not so fun.
And it wasn’t really only their fault either.