Spyfall (Game 1 Simon wins)

Can we ask what’s the location as a question lul

Non-Spy players cannot say location names

the book question was made after I had gotten 3 votes and everyone suspected my answer to the last question.

So we just leave out a letter or two m

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I have a question if i can ask.
When next game will start?
Asking for curiosity. :slight_smile:

Sublety is still important

For real

You never once saw me panic when voted

Just play it cool

Soon. I’ll prolly want to give @Sketch @Hippo and @MtheJoker a shot at joining.


The spy still mis-guessed that one though.

I added addition comment

Don’t you want to play it yourself?



Please before the game starts add me to spectators right off the bat. :slight_smile:

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Did you make up the roles?

Yeah I want to join next game

Idea make me the spy 99.99% of the time.

Wonder how many points I can get from them being wrong or me guessing the location


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You just pinged all of those people :clap:

10 rounds 30 points max.

Good to know.
