[Standard] Bastard++ - Canned

Cult majority one I made

appel I donā€™t know how you planned on getting yourself lynched

Anyway, I would like to try again if possible. Even if this didnā€™t go so well.

Geyde isnā€™t Wazza
Geyde is a banana

Yeah. I mentioned it, but I copy-pasted the template from the NUF FM on mobile, which is why it became what you are seeing right now.

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How did I do as a SK?

(Itā€™s probably because WAZZA CULT)

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in the case that this is rerun

get me the fuck out

well i thought i did well, I had geyde on the ropes which was so fucking scary

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I agree, /out

/out I agree, this was a crap fest because there was no activity and simply put I think it would be better played in a hour or so rather than over the week


I was god tier so was dybudabu but thatā€™s all for tonight ladies and gentlemen

Ah well


dont mean to beat the dead horse but
too much is on plate atm

Wellā€¦ I still have to wait until more people have voted, but I am already missing three players and I only have Vulgard as my backup, soā€¦

I guess I am canning the game because of the lack of players.

Time to be contrarian.


I just want to apologize on everyoneā€™s behalf, Zone. We were honestly so bad

@Zone_Q11 if you ever do a bastard++ turbo hit me up


Like, his play style and tone donā€™t indicate much confidence, but fucking hell.


This setup needs to die in a fire