[Standard] Bastard++ - Canned

…and now it becomes six players.
Yeah, this is outright impossible now.

Honestly I think he’s actually super confident in his reads
Despite his lack of explanation

i don’t have the motivation

It’s more about the players than the setup though

Things that made me go insane:

DybuDabu again
Fact that nobody else who was posting was actively solving
Fact that I rolled town

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I mean his posts read like nonsense but the results are… uncanny.

…what a way to make me lose motivation.

I don’t plan to ever host turbos. Sorry.

geyde for real, did u think i was scum

Your hosting was fine
I just really hated how the game itself played out

This sure was a game.

…thanks, I suppose.
…I guess I can focus on other stuff now.


I think it’s Alice’s alt and she’s trolling us by pretending it’s not her.

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…it wasn’t.
It really wasn’t.

I can feel it
The struggle of doing a Spanish project and hosting at the same time

insert statement about how alts aren’t a thing

dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu


Gottem. :ok_hand:

Alice exposed :eyes:

fucking kill me