[Standard] Bastard++ - Signup (13/13) FULL

Tbh, I don’t even remember what the categories of the FMs are anymore.

That’s why I tried to change it to Vanilla, Standard, Mash.

Noone follows on my categorization tho :^)

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dybu dabu



go go multitable

@Zone_Q11 do these jesters make everyone else lose if they get lynched or just they win.

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i said i wouldn’t
i told myself i should limit the number of FMs i play



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Italy got modkilled immediately ;^)


how am i supposed to be smart this is biased

The latter; they just win (and thereby wastes a lynch for town, in essence).


Ok then /in gonna take this as a relaxed game. Not gonna get to invested

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/in it seems neat


low effort geyde

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Hello! I’ve been lurking a bit for the past couple months and with school getting out I finally think I want to join. I don’t feel quite ready to just jump in to a game yet though. Would I be able to watch this without playing and then join one later?


you’re free to type /spectate or just watch the game

also, welcome!

You can choose to spectate if you wish

Yep! That’s called ‘spectating’ a game, and you can do it by, well, typing /spectate

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