I should probably note that any scum leans are (obviously) top of PoE rn

Just commenting: PKR really reminds me of @Tilgarial
That sort of “friendly” figure.

Pocketing transfers aside, Til, what do you think? Familiar? Homework?



…it did remind me of some of my nuf plays, yes >.>
Can’t suspect the friendly guy

But I also get night killed for that stuff, so I dunno if it would even work in any sensible way here

As a playstyle, i mean

-nod nod- Just thought that since I trust you for now and the similarity, I can give you some homework to pay attention to PKR’s thought processes, in case something comes up. :smiley:

That aside, people I am not planning on voting today (thus far): Wind + Til… more coming soon.
People I don’t mind right now: lol (maybe?) did he just pop in to say pretend his vote is on Wind?

But honestly, I really just want to
/vote no exe @Zone_Q11 @thepigeonnyc

Quick compilation of min's reads

min was monitoring Intensify early on

min might’ve been against voting me today, so effectively the mafia have killed the next line of defense I would’ve had after Marl went over
I don’t think there’s anyone else protecting my slot or who’s particularly against the “this person pushed town yesterday so we should push them today” kind of logic.

Min gutread Eli as scum

wasn’t super enthused about people SRing EVO at that point

Min wasn’t sure of Aelin at first, and like the rest of us, wasn’t sure whether Aelin’s wolfing or not.

as Min pointed out before, lol’s threat of pointing a dagger at my throat rubbed them the wrong way because it’s overused and also a setup for potential disaster (and in this case, we aren’t too far into the game for it to be a total disaster, but I’d flip town and you’d all be very disappointed in my stupidity).

guessing they’re shoving it in each other’s faces in the dead chat, RIP

Min townread Cloned

at this point in time, Min SR’d Aelin more than Marl and was still undecided on Marl.

Min decided to give Aelin the benefit of the doubt

in comparing Eevee and lol, Min decided that lol looks scummier to them but that they’d consider Eevee as well.

Min agreed that Intensify was kind of staying out of things without making concrete reads and looked rather suspicious for it (if I recall Marl’s reasoning correctly).

Min attempted to follow the logic behind Tilgarial’s vote toward EoD.

So there’s an ISO of Min’s reads and some of my commentary on them. The thing is that yesterday I actually agreed with a fair number of min’s reads, and could see how they arrived at them (hence I thought min was town).

From my experience, when min gets NK’d it’s because their reads are pretty good. Doesn’t mean that every scumteam thinks the same way, but it’s definitely something to keep in mind.
Ironically, I think a number of min’s reads overlapped with Marl’s as well, and in that case it’s really worrying that Marl went over yesterday and Min got killed during the night.

Occam’s razor says we should follow the leads left by both Marl and Min where they overlap on scumreads, and we’d catch most of the wolves that way.

I don’t know if that’s the way to go, but it’s probably a clue on where to start looking. I’m extremely suspicious of lol right now, although we’ll see how he follows through in pushing me today. I have some suspicion on Tilgarial today for a particular reason I don’t want to name just yet.

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yeah he did
tbh I’m not sure why he didn’t just plop a vote on me; i was expecting as much.

Well, the day’s still very early. Maybe he felt that was sufficient of a prod for now. /shrug

I feel like I got distracted toward the end of that post

min’s reads were:

Eevee/PKR not w/w
Intensify kind of sus
Eli scum gutread
Aelin scummy but unsure
lol scumread
Cloned townread
Tilgarial questionable toward EoD

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
EVO Intensify 1/7
[No Exe] cdecora 1/7
[Not Voting] PokemonKidRyan, eevee, WindwardAway, clonedcheese, lol, EVO, EliThePsycho, Aelin, GonZ, Tilgarial, an_gorta_pratai 11

EOD2 is at 2021-03-29T19:50:00Z.

You do realize I have no idea hoe to read myself, yes?

But i guess I’ll be paying attention

On that note though; both PKR and eevee didn’t vote at all yesterday, and voting is mandatory
I find that kind of sus, so I’m sad that my first two townreads are exactly there.

Then again, I got some new ones, so yay

Not asking you to read yourself. :joy:
Under the assumption that possibly your thought process is more similar to PKR, just put yourself in his shoes and see if anything pops up~ :smiley:

Don’t worry. They’ll come back.

For Winward



Noted, they also kind of supported me moreso than most Day 1.



Idk how I feel about this tbh

Worthy of looking into tbh but idk yet

Which should have cleared any reason to kill them id assume, but I’ll look more into it

lol and eevee were targets by Min, noted

Tilgarial, Noted

Hmm. They were pretty busy. lol might not be worth the effort.


That’s what i mean. If his playstyle is similar to my usual one, I don’t know if I’d really catch that in another since my usual playstyle is basically just randing town


*don’t mind voting

Adding to don’t mind: probably GonZ and Gorta.

anything in particular about GonZ that pinged you as sus?

I find Gorta to be well within his town meta and I stand by what both Marl and I saw in his thread opener in that it’s almost definitely town-indicative for him.

@WindwardAway Can you ping me when more people are active? I have some stuff to say :wink:

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Can’t guarantee I’ll be awake when they pop in, as I’m going to sleep soon, but if I catch them then sure.

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/vote EVO @Zone_Q11 @thepigeonnyc