@WindwardAway Can you ping me when more people are active? I have some stuff to say :wink:

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Can’t guarantee I’ll be awake when they pop in, as I’m going to sleep soon, but if I catch them then sure.

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/vote EVO @Zone_Q11 @thepigeonnyc

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
EVO Intensify, EliThePsycho 2/7
[No Exe] cdecora 1/7
[Not Voting] PokemonKidRyan, eevee, WindwardAway, clonedcheese, lol, EVO, Aelin, GonZ, Tilgarial, an_gorta_pratai 10

EOD2 is at 2021-03-29T19:50:00Z.

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why is EoD moved back an hour btw

Oh boy…

I have 3 Wind level wallposts and like 100 posts to get through…

And it’s 11:30 PM…

Looks like I spent too much playing Sky Factory and burning our base down each time cause my friends and I are complete idiots…


Honestly, part of why I have them both there is because I want to see/hear more from them.

Quoting GonZ, it’s about time for his pace to pick up as D1’s over.

As for Gorta, parroting how he just popped in and voted, but overall I feel like… I haven’t seen much ‘scumhunting’ from him(?)

So in a way, my impression of them is light, in the sense, there might be more information coming out of pushing them a bit more rather than keeping them around?

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dissecting this wallpost rq


i mean
that’s obvious

wind why do you hedge like this
you’re saying “i’m going to say this but I’m not going to invest stock into it because then I can say that I didn’t actually believe that later when somebody asks me about it” several times through this post

again, hedge

gonna dissect the rest tommorow because lol!internet

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Now, I don’t specifically read some of the players you put as “don’t yeet this” as either town or scum, since I don’t have a proper opinion on most of them yet, but what makes you feel like some of them are scum and therefore your readlist needs some restructuring rather than some of them are just wrong?

I find it a little weird that you seem somewhat genuinely concerned about how lol is “setting you up” as a mislonch. Perhaps my perspective is possibly skewed, but I personally didn’t find lol’s push against you too threatening in the slightest? I can’t even remember any of it to be honest, even if you put a gun to my head. I find it a little weird that you express paranoia over what I would consider a small thing.

I don’t think I recall calling Marluxion scummy but weh, never made an opinion on them.

These sections of the wallpost have a level of a genuine tone I like and approve of. It has a towny feel to it so I’ll give Wind some town points. Wind seems pretty uhh remorseful? (not sure what the right word here is, I’m not a nerd who would know the right word here), which I think is more likely to come from town rather than scum, and I overall like these sections of the wallpost. Good for Wind I guess.

I’m pretty sure the paranoia was more of something like “I’m paranoid Wind is scum because her push has oddly really good points.”

Someone yell at me if I’m wrong, but I’m pretty sure this is a Cloned thing? My memories of playing FM with Cloned tell me that this like something they do in general.

Cloned at the time had like around 40 posts, with most of them being one-liners and fluff pretty sure, pretty much a lowposter compared to the rest of the playerlist. My conclusion on them was somewhere around Nulltown obviously, but I wanted to put them in the “no wagon” list since they showed signs of solving and progressing thoughts and reads. Not sure what you wanted me to get out of that slot with so little posts.

This has the same energy as Pewdiepie going “so I did some building off-camera” and him showing an atomic 1 to 1 scale of a meatball replica built out of dirt.

So how come you don’t just vote Wind right now

Well you were in the PoE, considering you were literally top wagon tied with Marly boy.
I don’t think I really liked your slot, but I was definitely expecting some sort of read or thought against someone considering the position you were in, so I was eager to see what would happen with you if I voted your counterwagon that day.

Sufficed to say, a little bit dissapointed, but oh well.

Alright well atleast here’s some things that might change my vote on you. I will wait for these posts on these topics to come.

What are these redacted parts of your readlist? What are you writing an SCP entry or something?

Uhh not sure if I understand what you mean by negative or positive thread influence? Could you explain it in more detail for me?

Pretty sure this isn’t monitoring? These are just responses to what I said, and mostly NAI? I don’t really see why you think it’s monitoring.

Pretty sure this post was responding to Marl saying how he thought me having reads that more resembled what the majority thought was rand > W, even though he never explained which ones.

I feel like some of the small reads and thoughts Min left behind are stuff that scum don’t generally really care, think or remember about at all?

Like Min going “Oh lol X kinda sus” for only 1 or 2 posts and then never following up on it isn’t something scum sees, making them suddenly go into full level mega scum panic hawaii missile alert we need to obliterate Min and delete their entire ISO mode.

Hmm interesting.

Would you find people who voted for “no-exe” also in the same category of suspicious?

Well… this is just a Gorta thing mostly pretty sure

phew, under an hour neato. You know I thought I would have a lot more things to say, but the posts I had to catch up on were mostly analysis and things I would agree on or just go “ok sure I guess”.

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Sloop time.

Can’t wait to wake up to see 2000 new posts and me being the top wagon at L2 tommorow morning.

its almost like they knew their read would be wrong but decided to roll with it anyway

Quoting me? I didnt say that.
Although i did say something about if evo didnt pick up a case i’d rather vote him early?

If that happen i think i’ll be subbing early… >_>

ill reread windward and see if they are actually reading marl or if its a stagnant tunnel

but i dont like them saying i set them up when they agreed with the plan after saying they can read marl off of like 3 posts

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first instinct on why min was killed is they were scumread by pretty much no one

if it’s because of reads it is to frame people because the 2 most notable scumreads are me and aelin who is my townread, which would make evo more suspicious since he is the most immediate and obvious lynch d2

im not seeing anything that looks like it comes from a power role but im also bad at that so that’s the third option

@Aelin while skimming min you said your vote was on evo partially because they fold easily, do you think he folded because the reasoning later kinda dropped that entirely

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can anyone explain his read on gorta? that sounds really helpful

@Marluxion sorry about that ._.
To be fair i hope you see that my arguments didnt have any glaring errors

That being said
/vote windward @Zone_Q11

Spending like 2000 words to say “i fucked up on marl” just seem like scum yeeting the gas pedal in reverse

i agree reads wise, but if we assume evo is townie as well then i’d argue there’s even more merit for scum to jump on the smaller wagon so the focus is on the people who scumread marl and not them

i will fault them both for it
im pretty sure pkr was even asked to vote and saw it but said something silly in response and left
if evo is scum here i think pkr has decent chances to be aswell
and eevee was telling people to do stuff but isn’t on anyone by eod? cringe, alteast keep my vote on me or something. makes me think their entire argument with pkr is faked just based on how much inconsistant eevee has been in their own play.

was the 100% more than 5 games correct or was it like ‘‘oh we played twice together and i read him correctly both times, pogger’’

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i dont like the vibes from the pkr post, i dont know their irl situation but my guts telling me bullshit

just letting you know people still don’t understand what my read is about
but thats fair because it derailed into dogshit

you have 1 person you don’t mind voting which should make it obvious but you still no exe, this is weird, does anyone else have meta on this person


(this is in response to eli pinging people to vote someone)
i thought it was his final posts, but he made more:

after that he makes many more posts , a bunch of reads, analyzing wagon formations, then memes a bit and leaves. i don’t see why he couldn’t vote evo here to save marl if he really was a townread

/vote pkr @Zone_Q11