I still haven’t even revealed my night 3 check.
Just that they’re someone I townread.

I wonder why nobody has picked up on it or pressed me on it.

Maybe it backs up the fact that mafia don’t feel threatened by me. And that town doesn’t really care right now.

The second factor would make me lean that Eli is innocent just because their lack of WiM is something I understand at this point. The only good thing we’ve done all game was tie a fucking D1 wagon

did ya get another PR check?

did you have a vanilla check?
incase you are town;
if you found a vanilla, you might be advised to out them, if they are town. it’s gonna get interesting to see if mafia lynches somebody that’s basically confirmed, or a cop.
if it’s another PR… depends on the person. it’s possible we have another couple PR’s hidden somehow, but it could be mafia
in case you are mafia; just out them. might as well know who dies prior to night phase

I found a vanilla role.
Didn’t I, Tilgarial?

are you gonna share or keep it to yourself?
actually, maybe somebody else has an opinion on this, and we do still have time. I’m interested to see what others think

Yes, I would love to see what others think first

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okay, then let’s construct a world in which you could be town, since you’re already here.
what this needs:
since we have both a watcher and a vanilla cop at a playercount of 15, it’s gotta be 4 mafia, i think.
if that is the case… there is going to be more than one wolf outside of our PoE

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Potentially more than 1 outside of your PoE.
I already have a few people in my PoE.

My inner PoE is Wind and Eevee (Because Deepwolf paranoia)

My outer has been lol. But I would put Gorta in there simply because I have no reason to townread them

full playerlist:
Wind, Gorta, eevee, eli, intensify, EVO, PKR, lol, Tilga.

if it’s 4 mafia, 3 are left

one could be eli. it would explain aelins weird reaction when eli followed her vote on you, the one that wind quoted

I don’t think either aelin or eli have enough interactions with most to determine an easy generalized interaction level.

no, it just doesn’t make much sense.
individually, I could maybe see a deepwolf being among us.
but two, maybe 3?
that basically means Wind, EVO and intensify all at the same time, yeah? maybe with eevee replacing one.
that’s just… no way

I could see Intensify as scum acting like village idiot.
But I just don’t think it’s fake enough to be an act.

It feels genuine.


yes, and his reads are usually quite understandable/logical

3 mafia.
I think lol started the push on eli today/yesterday?
so it’d be either/or

in that world, intensify is town.
you are town. I am town.
lol/eli cannot be w/w → max 1 mafia.
EVO, eevee, wind, gorta. 2-3 mafia
gorta… I still think gorta is town.
I don’t think EVO/eevee are a team, otherwise they put on some serious theatre? max 1 mafia.

lol/eli → max 1 mafia.
EVO/eevee → max 1 mafia.
…Wind, all alone with one mafia slot unassigned

it… it could be possible. or maybe there is one less mafia? but with a watcher and a vanilla cop together… it’s gotta be 4 mafia, right?


We have to have 3 or 4 mafia.
I could easily see 3.
Since we already had an antitown neutral.

Which like semi counts as a bonus scum member


you sure enough about that? at 15 players?

to PKR above this post, not to myself. facepalms

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Yes. Fairly sure.

And with 1 dead mafia.
We have 2-3 alive

I just finished my check! Sorry, had some friends over till now and we were playing board games. :slight_smile:

I did press you for it earlier, but I think you misread what I was hinting at lol. Anyway, I have a guess at whom you checked and the results but I wouldn’t necessarily clear someone just for being vanilla. There has to be a mafia goon, I’m pretty sure.

I’ll give you exactly what I wrote up earlier in my notes that I was checking up on. Just give me a couple minutes.


So what I was checking earlier was the wincons of the flipped players, and whether I was allowed to discuss this in the thread in the context of solving. I got a green light, so here ya go.

Aelin’s wincon

GonZ’s wincon

Note that Aelin’s wincon is not just “reach parity with the town”
Mafia can eliminate town down to the level where there are no town players, meaning that eliminating all the town can’t possibly mean the only players left are mafia.
Mafia knew there was a neutral role in play.

GonZ’s (and Marl’s, min’s, Cloned’s) wincon says only that they win when all mafia have been completely eliminated, meaning that there is no hint of a neutral existing and more specifically that there is no neutral which directly poses a threat to town (such as serial killer). Why do you think I suspected that Intensify could be a jester at some point? I assumed that there was no neutral role, or that if there was, it was a neut who posed no direct threat to town.