oh I didn’t expect you to ISO me xD
but nobody’s commented on my tone, my other reads, or anything like that? except for Marl who’s interacted the most with me, and everyone else only commented specifically on my read on Marl.

it just feels like a “Wind hasn’t made a wallpost yet but once she does she’ll be locktown” sort of waiting game which is annoying and has very consistently been proven to be wrong. (this is directed toward the FoL players who know me)

can’t blame you tbh
I’ve gotten the same paranoia in other games

There haven’t been all that many reads/leans/opinions on general, I think… maybe it’s just the game?

usually I try to read people off how they handle making their reads, though, and there’s not that much to work with here since it’s a lot of consensus echoing



Like you have a towny tone… I’ll give you that and I don’t see much wrong with the Marl case other than you sorta just killed half of his WiM in one go, but that’s not really your fault.

Other than that, I don’t have much to comment on.

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You know what, whatever.
Last game i almost lost a sure win due to paranoia

/vote marluxion @Zone_Q11

i don’t like this

The vote or the text?

tbh I think I have a towny tone as scum, too, so tonereading me isn’t going to get you very far

I don’t like that Marl’s WiM just died like that, but tbh my motivation to solve in this game has also been dropping even without being SR’d so meh. I feel bad about contributing to Marl’s WiM tanking, though, regardless of his alignment since I shouldn’t just be pushing people off the deep end in an effort to get them voted out.

(brb I was gonna write more but I have to get a delivery)

both but moreso the vote
wagons can be crazy, don’t know how it works here but it settles around 2 hours before eod usually no need to rush it and force people into boxes

i don’t agree with the paranoia but i don’t dislike it

Yes I am aware of that.

I have mentioned in this thread before that using tone isn’t that great of a method to read someone, and it’s probably best used for building a read on someone rather.


Hmmm… it is possible I’m rushing things a bit.
I’m kinda used to 24h days, so maybe I’m unconciously being a bit in a hurry?
Especially considering how the votes seem totally spread out, that could have been the case

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Damn we’re privileged


i don’t think his wim died at all

the votes on FoL tend to shift around wildly within the last hour leading up to EoD
last-minute CFDs are a hot topic here, be warned

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sounds lovely unironically

chaos is fun

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I think he’s playing more cautiously right now than he was earlier
and he said at some point that he stopped caring about this game which is unusual for him (although I can honestly understand the reasons behind it)

It would be fun if we didn’t kill a townie everytime we did it

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it’s ok im the master i’ve lynched many mafia randomly before


maybe you’ll save us from making a mistake :^)