Since you’re asking about it, how does their interaction seem to you?

eevee’s kind of a wildcard, you can’t read them based off of meta
or so i’ve heard
anyways i just explained it, it’s


I don’t want to be a town leader anyway I just want to be a contributing voice.
That’s literally it.

And I thought I made that clear often enough but I guess not.

Oh yeah, it’s becouse memeposting was done by Intensify and Cheese, while PKR is neither of them.

So I guess it is kind of a jump, lmao.

why did it send early
it’s d1 so obviously it’s flimsy

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I don’t really think there’s anything AI in it for PKR, although I can follow Eevee’s train of thought quite easily.


I’m going to be around but I’m going to take a step back from initiating interactions for a bit while we let others give their perspectives.

And also because I feel myself already getting a tad annoyed and I’m wanting to keep things all nice.

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Idk i just felt the possible reasoning for this convo to happen is

  1. PKR trying to get an insta town lean from the forum travelers
  2. Min(?) Trying to shut the travelers off the info grid so they have an advantage.

To me both cant happen at the same time

Eevee not Min

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I’ve only ever randed town and scum in FM, but I actually like 3p roles (at least in ToL) xD

Out of town and scum, hmm… I like solving as town and feeling like I’m on the right track even if I am completely, horribly miserably wrong. I do enjoy trying to come up with big brain plays as scum but it does get kind of exhausting after a while. I randed scum in all of my last three games so… Lol

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Man that was irrelevant, I should maybe have scrolled down a bit and finished catching up. But there you have my answer. shrug

I’ve been trying to read the thread interaction but somehow took most of it as NAI. Maybe I’m just tired; it’s been a long day :sweat_smile: I’ll look at it again with fresh eyes in the morning.

Hmm… I’ll chalk mixing names up to you being new. And, yes, those are fair points, but you’re only looking at it from one perspective.

Mhmm… i noticed that… i had a few month long mafia streak.


Also fwiw this is what I’m often accused of doing as any alignment in games.
And it often does get me scumread, sometimes correctly, despite me not thinking I’m doing it lol.

It’s not necessarily to newbies either. It’s just I guess from Eevee’s perspective I’m like “taking advantage” or something since yall don’t know me.

Oh geez. And here I thought something like a month and a half was enough of a mafia streak lol.


rng is big brained and funny sometimes


And here is a fun fact.

I want traveler to be a town leader.

Why do we need to have a “town leader” instead of everyone just contributing and doing our own things?

Putting the onus on a newbie feels firstly risky and second of all like you’re avoiding experienced players leading perhaps on purpose (Motivation would be called into question)


Tbh I can see what eevee is getting at.
It’s about reading a newbie’s approach to things, moreso than just letting them lead.

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They are not newbies to begin with.