Am awake. Sorry I haven’t been around. 13 hour car ride yesterday and I was exhausted afterward.

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The thing i think PKR thought in regards of the act, as i understood it, was:
EVO/lol mafia
→ EVO !important
→ lol !save EVO

And I can’t imagine why this would make sense.
Especially when clearing both is well within current reach.
It would have been more sensible for lol to go after EVO, and be unreasonable about it, and maybe making some easy mistakes, and then have EVO make a counter wagon and have another mafia help it succeed

And if i can think of that, they can too

i mean if im scum i just push pkr hard enough to save my teammate, that’s simple enough but he’s made it convoluted

So, as conclusion, I don’t think PKR is making sense right now.
Along with ignoring lol’s counterarguments and reasoning…

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yeah, that’s about where I am right now.

/unvote @Zone_Q11

was testing to see how this would go, but I don’t know that I got anything particularly telling out of it.
PKR might have slipped his alignment as town with that “scumslip” read, but oddly enough that points to either T/T or T/W which is… not my first line of thought when you were interacting and pushing each other. I didn’t get T/T vibes from it at all. It’s a bit tinfoily but if you’re W/W then it’s wolf theatre and nitpicking at whether small things are towntells or scumtells which is actually pretty decent in that case, and if you two are W/W then EVO is almost definitely town.

But yeah, idk yet.

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bruh wtf is wrong with me am i stuck in null forever

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the more I think about it, the less relevant PKR’s read of a potential scumslip from lol becomes.


at this rate you’re almost guaranteed to get yote regardless of alignment at some point in the game

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idk if you can isolate 2 isos here but reread just me and pkr interacting you will see how south it goes

not as bad as my argument on eevee going to fucking space but still not great

ive been cursed

I’m more inclined to believe T/W than T/T, but otherwise yes, very similar thoughts

oh I know, I was reading it here while you were interacting and just didn’t want to interrupt too much cause I was trying to gauge it.
I still think it was a weird interaction in that it didn’t feel like two genuine pushes, it felt more like a read and an OMGUS but idk.

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I’m just saying, if you’re a wolf you’re scraping by, but on the other hand if you’re town you’re almost definitely an agenda push who was likely set up from D1.
oddly enough I’m leaning more toward you being an agenda push at the moment but my opinion could change at the drop of a hat, with the way things are going.

it’s not agenda push
the push was made d2 after i read the thread

I meant that you were already set to be in today’s PoE by the end of yesterday, but I guess that makes it a non-agenda push

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i don’t think i am an agenda push pkr just omgusing me rn

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
EVO Intensify, EliThePsycho, PokemonKidRyan 3/7
PokemonKidRyan lol 1/7
WindwardAway clonedcheese 1/7
[No Exe] cdecora 1/7
[Not Voting] eevee, EVO, Aelin, GonZ, Tilgarial, an_gorta_pratai, WindwardAway 7

EOD2 is at 2021-03-29T19:50:00Z.

Can I start this out by saying that any PR that can heal at night being on me might be wise after saying this.

So I’m a PR, and I have a redcheck that I’ve been conflicted on sharing, being a closed setup and all so not knowing how reliable my ability is.

I’m going to assume there is no healer and that today is my last day before I get bonked, so I’ll do my best to leave a variety of reads, and the results of the check before the EoD.

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/vote PokemonKidRyan