Shame your bet is wrong.
Or EVO is scum.

One or the other.
If EVO claims I’m the check, I welcome being killed just so yall can chainlynch EVO and lol

So uhh framers don’t exist now?

They could also be a neutral.

But why frame me?

There’s a couple of folks reading you as scum, including me,

You’d be a decent frame target ngl.

In a closed setup we probably still want to yeet them, but I’d be willing to listen to a neutral’s reasoning for being left alive

Well if EVO outed as cop to have a framed red check then (or a fake one). I’m going to be voting them

If my check is framed then fuck this setup lmfao

I mean from your reaction it kinda shows that I’m not your check.

Not that you could’ve tried a red check on me anyway :smirk: (or well, a yellow check. Since non-town =/= scum)

I don’t know why are you are jumping the gun but shrug.

You do you I guess.

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Because this is how I am

I’ve been pretty neutral with my language. Also, one could say to this, if you are indeed innocent why would you be surprised in any way?

I’m surprised sheerly due to the fact that I have thought (and still think) you’re scum. So the “check” would be a lie on someone and I’m the easiest ML there.

Putting aside the wifom of whether or not you could be my redcheck, I townread you all game

It’s a little interesting how I wasn’t put in the list of people checked… considering how much EVO seems to scumlean me… not sure if that makes the check seem more legitimate?

You weren’t really on my radar until today tbh

Fair enough I guess. I kinda just have had people misreading me as scum so I’ve been thinking that more people would be reading me as it.

Idk how to feel right now lol. You admitting to townreading me has kinda just erked me because I didn’t think this would happen

My read on you is a meta read if that adds context


Even if you don’t remember me :unamused:

I don’t think big meta reads work but weh