I explained. Multiple times. But ye.

Like, I softed early on because lol PKR.

But I claimed during the EVO thing because I felt 2 ways and needed help to come to a conclusion.

The “Vanilla Cop” thing made me think EVO was scum.

But also how weak a neopolitan as the seemingly only investigative… is… made me think EVO might be town cop.

To be fair, you die tonight.

oh oops, RIP
but it all worked out

do we plan to quickhammer?

i have literal plot armour

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No I think Eevee means scum kills PKR tonight

  1. PKR read accuracy (and thus threat level)
  2. Literally just being a neopolitan

The only way I’m a “threat” to scum is if they’re forced to claim a certain role or die. Like if Zone has forced fakeclaims for them

by my very low-level deductive reasoning skills I did figure out roughly what kind of PR Cloned was
he claimed under pressure from PKR and EVO as I recall, which I guess was hasty but he got wagoned extremely fast so I can see why he thought claiming was the best way to save himself.

I thought about that already, but I also thought of something else. It’s not unrealistic that there would be an alignment cop, though.

Eevee is right. I figured either Cloned or PKR would die here, but based on the nature of Cloned’s claim I can’t say I’m surprised.

nah, you’d be an NK target just for townclearing yourself

I mean having a Neo and alignment Cop in the same setup seems kinda… bastard? One is pretty much always strictly better unless you have this wierd gimmick I believe

There is no fakeclaims, lol.
There is 1 town and 1 scum pr beside you.

not really, if you have a setup with godfather mafia goon and 2 mafia roles for example

both would have their uses


eevee mech oracle?


I mean…

Cop is still always better though as it can catch 2 scum technically, whereas Neo can only catch 1 and that 1 could just claim a Pr

Eevee are you a town mech oracle like Eli said?
And if so, then can you say exactly what your result is?

Was it “There are 4 town power roles and 2 mafia power roles in this game”?

if that’s the case id have the last pr claim and we play mountainous

If Eevee is mech oracle, then this is definitely an intentional slip.

I don’t think would do this type of stuff and accidently slip PR like this

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And between you, Eevee and my check…
I’d have the 2nd mafia PR

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Some people could probably guess who I’ve checked.
Since they were a slight scumlean.

But wait until more people arrive first.