Oh yeah true.

How does pne role that interferes with a kill lead to thinking there is another role that interferes with a kill?
I can’t quite grasp that

Im also medicorly convinced its just rber being slot 3, as mafia kill is asigned.

Could be a false signal or witch-like neutral.

I considered a bodyguard could make sense with a limited-shot doctor
but it’s also kind of weh

So probably something related to visiting I guess.

Maybe a tracker or a watcher?

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2 shot bg is basically a worse version of 2 shot doc tho

what about voyeur

I meant bodyguard not 2-shot

I mean meh…


In scenario where PKR is vanilla cop it’s… pointless?

I eman roles usually can visit to begin with, so it would be just stronger version of vanilla cop?

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don’t mind me, i’m just bad at setups

i think PKR’s claim is real btw

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2-shot doctors indicates other tool which can interfere with kills, cause only point at which they would be +EV to setup is if they manage to perfectly score 2 heals.

Otherwise they would just force a no lynch scenario at some point even if they miss once.
And honestly it’s hard to demand someone to hit 2 heals out of 2.

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The mafia night kill is assigned
The only reason to do that is a tracker/watcher or roleblocker

And I already said that PKR’s role cannot exist together with tracker nor watcher.


that’s why I came to this conclusion, yes.


Maybe a PGO?

Either way, if mafia is checked by PKR they are forced to claim in the PR slot 4 most likely?

Claiming into slot which is occupied by roles like vig or rber is… not very good chocie tbh.
They won’t even get cc’ed just blocked or vigged, lmao.

On the other hand, claiming into slot 4 is not that bad, as this roles can actually exist, but don’t have to.


Yeah, I’m telling you what claims you can expect today and telling mafia what to claim. :^)

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or so that nobody knows that there isn’t one in play


@PokemonKidRyan Read starting form my wall post few posts above.

It’s mostly directed to you anyway.

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hello yes i am the neopolitan miller