Sounds… hilarious. Is stating that one will comply with whatever the others decide not a possibility on FoL?


:sob: Want to vote no exe? o.o

/vote no exe @Zone_Q11 @thepigeonnyc

Again? :thinking:

No, stop it.

Is it worth my asking for your reasons to continue to vote no exe for the third day in a row?


If you want to waste your vote, then vote me and take some accountability for making a bad decision.

Because voting no exe is from experience pretty much always a bad thing and it feels like you’re trying to avoid any responsibility.

Make a move and stick by it. Do something please

There could be a specific reason they’re voting no exe, but in that case I kind of want to hear it from them because it’s suspicious otherwise.

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The only thing I could see is Zone potentially putting in a restriction. But also I really cannot see that design wise and knowing Zone how I know Zone… So like, to me it’s basically to avoid any responsibility not due to having to do it. It is fair to ask though

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At the very least, voting no exe is different from not voting at all
And a restriction is not the only thing I could think of that would warrant voting the way cdecora is
But we’ll see.

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Yes the difference between no-exeing and not voting is like the difference between Fall and Autumn

Ok but why

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
GonZ Intensify, PokemonKidRyan 2/6
lol EVO, Tilgarial 2/6
No execution cdecora 1/6
[Not Voting] eevee, EliThePsycho, lol, an_gorta_pratai, WindwardAway, GonZ 6

EOD3 is at 2021-04-01T19:50:00Z.

/vote no exe


I like how… I’ve been voting ‘no exe’.

Campaign: Vote ‘no exe’!

If ‘no exe’ goes through today, I’ll explain tomorrow.

:joy: x2

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I can only say… I’m trying. :sob:

Do you have an actual, genuine reason for no exe to be desired?

Is that reason good for town, or good for you?

Good for town I would say.

Maybe if I put it this way.

If we fall into another conundrum like the past two days, I really encourage everyone to vote ‘no exe’.

I’m debating about asking more about it, but…
I somehow doubt it’s happening if we don’t have a reason to trust or support.

So: is this a single-time thing?
If yes, maybe it’s time to go all out on trying to get it this day phase

Because rn all you did is give mafia enough info to make you a juicy target, but not enough for town to support you

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@WindwardAway figured you’d want to see this when you’re on. It’s certainly making me

townread cdecora…