Correct! Based on what cdecora is saying… that seems to be the case.

But it would ensure I live which means I get another result and we solve a slot which is in contention (cdecora).

How so?

See here, I’m asking these things because I’m trying to decide between listening to you, lynching you or ignoring this thing, like most others too
And it doesn’t really feel like you’re trying to help that decision, despite wanting one particular outcome, or at least seeming like it

Well now… You won’t miss me, right?


…Maximize… fun/profit?
Well… I mean… I already have a vote on me if you want to join the wagon too… Just feels like lynching me is more of a waste than no exe.
Sounds like a trust issue there.

Also, what specifically do you mean with a situation like D1 and d2?
D2 was a mess because EOD considerations started too late, but D1 we did get, if not a scum, at least a lynch and the approproate info from it

Ok look.

Instead of no-exeing…

How about we execute someone and then you also reveal your check tommorow


Also I’m just gonna assume your a cop cause that’s the only role I can think of that clears someone and it’s 11 PM so I’m too lazy to think about it

:thinking: I guess, since my analysis skills are poor but I feel as if there wasn’t necessarily that much information from D1, given what happened on D2.
Yes, a lynch would yield information, I’m not saying that it went down horribly but… I guess I just feel as if the high occurrences of ties imply a lot of hesitance. So, in the case it happens again, I recommend ‘no exe’. We save a potential town… But we also get a clear tomorrow. Or I die tonight… But I can accept that sacrifice.

… Which is why I was saying… (repeats)
pat pat

I mean… yeah, this is kinda a trust issue
From my perspective there isn’t much town gains from no exe, so it entirely relies on wether or not i trust what you’re saying

I somehow doubt this is some regular scumplay, because it’s basically outing yourself for a single night kill if that were the case.
And it’s not exaclty in towns interest to forego a lynch, because that’s also basically just offering mafia a night kill for free.
That’s why I think it’s something about abilities.
And that could come from all alignments, as I have no idea what abilities there are that are based off of a no exe happening

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Oh bruh we’re not deathtunneling you or anything.

We can lynch other people you’re not the only person in the supposed PoE.


Oh yes. I know. o.o
?? o.O I didn’t think you were? confused
Oh and… What’s LHF?


Then why do you want to no-Exe instead of killing someone who is suspicious?

Also LHF stands for low hanging fruit, which is a term for a person who’s like not doing much, but necessary afk or slanking. They probably still post, but might not have made many thoughts or reads enough to justify themselves as scum or town throughout the course of the game.

Uhh town here usually has an addiction to killing LHFs cause… they don’t usually defend themselves and it’s really easy for scum to push LHFs into the poe

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But Aelin wasn’t that active, right? It’s difficult for me to imagine she was the “most” active wolf.

o.O Was the discussion on it being real or false?

Ah, those people!
… If you guys end up with someone majority wants to hammer, I’m all for it. Personally won’t join that vote but… I’ll cheer you guys on from the side. So it’s not “no exe instead of someone suspicious,” rather confidence level… +/- doing me a favor? Or do my role a favor?

you can stop softing

literally everybody, including the wolves, know you’re a PR now
you won’t be surviving the night


this is cdecora

I mean weh.

He doesn’t really need to out.

I soft and hint at my roles a lot.
But I don’t think I went this much this fast.

I spread mine through Day 2.

Starting with softs which some got and some didn’t… then building up


I mean…

We’re obviously not yolo-exeing random people.

We’re definitely going to kill someone we find sus, that’s sorta like the point of fm


Did I miss/read past the ‘why’ on this?

Dear, at this point, it’s not called softing.
I don’t see why a town would complain. >> Any town would rather I die than them, no? No? Did I get that wrong?

You’re not the one campaigning for no exe… sigh

Well I mean…
You promised a clear on someone… that’s probably enough to warrant a nightkill from scum unless they want to specifically keep you alive as mislonched bait?