Only mech solving is a thing wolves like to do in order to look like they are helping without helping too much

Mech solving? Whats that?

I thought GonZ also claimed a PR spot, which would directly CC cdecora for it

Didn’t we just agree that mech talk and setup solving are different things?

well, it doesn’t directly contest cdecora if PKR is scum, but do we really have that many town PRs?

poke eevee what’s mech solving?

There is no thing called “mech solving”.

There is “setup analysis” where you try to analyze balance of the setup and possible role interactions to understand what claims are real, useful in closed games.

“Mech talk” is like… talking that no-voting is bad, or stuff like exactly this post.
Explaining mechanics of the game, without directly helping it.
Too much of it may be taken as looking helpful and contributive without influencing game itself.

I think EVO messed tihs two up.

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I thought mech solving was the type of solving that involved taking night actions and their results into account

Oh role balancing stuff and game guiding. Got it.
On a side note, i think since my ability is situationally helpful, PKR is a NERFed investigator and the healer is a 2 shot healer, there might be more PR than you think. Or at least in my mind there should be more PR to balance out the game…

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I’m sure someone made a list earlier which had like 4 or 5 alive PR claims


and Cloned who is dead


Is it a bad time to come out as PR.

Also didn’t Eli claim PR or am I just stupid and missing the joke?

No, I don’t believe so.

I did not, your ‘solving’ is irrelevant here

But I can see your logic and it makes sense from town PoV

Semantics aren’t really going to get us anywhere when it comes to jargon, as jargon needs to be pre-agreed upon and I am unfamiliar with mafia jargon of that variety, so I am using general definitive words to describe

Basically if your only content is non-slot reading, it is scummy.

Mech talk and Setup Analysis are great, but not a substitute for reads

Doesn’t the day end in like an hour? Where is everyone