Well @evo ? What part of me do you think is scummy?

Millers when informed tend to claim day 1.
This thing… doesn’t?

I mean, I would, as I can see where this role is leading to, but like… it’s less obvious?

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I guess.

PKR doesn’t know what PKR’s ideas are lol.
PKR’s fucking lost it due to the amount of PR claims.

Makes my stuff so much more meh.

Also @Zone_Q11 can you fix links at the OP please?


What amount of PR claims?

Eli claims red herring.
Cdecora claims town PR slot 3.

That’s exactly what we were expecting?
Town PR slot 4 might not exist to begin with, or might just be watcher.

Also if there is both town vanilla cop and tracker/watcher, one scum might be goon, other might be ninja.
But that depends on tracker/watcher existance tbh.

And in this case Eli could be scum, yeah.
Especially that they didn’t come out or breadcrumbed being red heirring before day 3.

GonZ, you’ve voted with intent but show no solving. I’m at work so you’ll have to be satisfied for that as an answer for now.

Are there reasons why you think you shouldn’t be considered scummy?

@EVO why are you voting me?


I think my only mech talk was that psychoanalysis and meta analysis are not the same?

Early day 3 you talked a lot on possible PR combinations etc

Just seems like a way to look solvey without helping town too much.

Yeah, that’s setup anaysis.

That’s a way of solving?

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Which normally is fine, but by itself looks like a substitute for content

What is a content for you then?

What you were talking about regarding psychological/perspective reads being underrated. I agree with that, but have seen you rarely do it.

I’ll be back later on my lunch before EoD if you want more, Eevee

Define solving. Because i believe i’m finding clues and solving this mafia suspect.

Yeah, tbh I didn’t do it.


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