when friends do not want to play amogus
and you guys played like 4 hours ago while i was at school



No-execute means removing one lynch from town.

Imagine game is 12v3.
12 v 3
Kill + misslynch
10 v 3
8 v 3
6 v 3
4 v 3
Game ends after 5 misslynches.

Now if we no execute:
12 v 3
No lynch day 1 + kill
11 v 3
Kill + misslynch from now on
9 v 3
7 v 3
5 v 3
Game ends after 4 misslynches.

Now 2-shot doctor is problematic, cause if he gets BOTH saves (2 correct heals from 2 of his shots) town would get bonus “kill+misslynch” combo, which means a bonus 1 failed lynch which can happen.

However if they hit only 1 of 2 of theirs heals, kill will still happen, just be delayed… not giving a bonus possibly misslynch.
Hence 2-shot doctor is bad role, unless there is another role which can make use of it.

If doctor saves one eprson, we will go into odd vs odd amount of people in each faction scenario, which… means no lynch is a valid option to remove amount of suspects from the game by mafia hands.

tl;dr - If 2-shot doc saves correctly only one time, valid play is to no lynch.
Without that no-lynch is suboptimal, as it removes 1 possible misslynch from the game.

Hence if you really needs a no lynch, your role becomes coherent with 2-shot doctor, giving them a bonus for saving someone, but not requiring to save 2 people having only 2 shots of own abilities.



Uhh it’s chill?

I’m not sure if I get the question

yes, sorry, I meant EoD2 specifically.

I actually did go through Aelin’s ISO overnight.

eh, I know there are more than just those two reasons, but I’m not going into them.

Good, then you know why I’m not going into reevaluating previous analysis rn.

Let’s go back to Aelin.

What did you get to and how?

Here, I went through Aelin’s ISO again and dug up some posts. Have at it.

Aelin's interaction with lol

D1 this was literally the only interaction between lol and Aelin
and Aelin used Tilga’s misinterpretation of the post to vote them

Aelin’s D2 on lol, despite ignoring him for most of D1, centers around the “setting up Wind” theory and… not that much else tbh. She puts lol as her strongest SR but doesn’t really case him very strongly tbh. She pretty easily gives up on voting lol when she thinks that nobody is going to vote with her, and moves to vote Intensify (who was maybe in her PoE but she had a very vague-looking “read” on him) because she sees I’m trying to form a CW to EVO.

I liked this part of lol’s analysis the first time I read through, and I still like it.

tl;dr - Aelin had a kind of weak SR on lol and did not really case him until D2. Aelin didn’t have much to say about Intensify except once or twice (I didn’t bother quoting the posts here because they sounded inconclusive) but was still willing to slap a vote on him if it looked like he would get wagoned. I’m thinking her scum style in this game is literally just to TMI the main yeet target as town by consistently counterwagoning them, because it would fit with how she played both EoD1 and EoD2 if my conclusion is correct. That being said, I’m slightly less certain Intensify is spewed as town because there really weren’t that many other people willing to make him a CW to EVO, so he wasn’t really in danger of overtaking EVO’s wagon.

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Windward, first of all, for future - I know theirs iso.
I’m macro player, I reread stuff like that by default.

oh i was posting that for other players’ reference. I figured you’d already looked through whatever you thought was relevant.

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it was just the tl;dr part that was in response to your question to me (although I didn’t see it cause I had Aelin’s ISO up when you posted it)

Look, I’m trying to make your reasoning go stronger… altho I probably shouldn’t considering cirumstances.

It’s tricky.

this is the second or third time going through Aelin’s ISO, I just didn’t bother taking quotes the first time around except in my notes

at EoD2 I started off strongly SRing lol on a surface level
overnight went through lol’s ISO and Aelin’s ISO to compare them
found a number of scummy things in lol’s ISO, but they made less sense coming from scum when I compared them with Aelin’s ISO
wagonomics at face value made me think lol was scum
but combining wagonomics with reading through both their ISOs I concluded lol is town

Okay, put aside someone’s playstyle and let’s make basic list for starters.

What did Aelin do?

  1. Pushed lol more or less for whole day.
  2. Voted lol when top wagons were tied EVO and Intensify.

Go ahead and finish that list of events.

I guess I forgot Intensify tied with EVO at some point, oops

if I make a very low-effort conclusion it would be that lol was a designated ML, EVO may have been a designated ML on D1, and Intensify is scum partner

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am I just being dumb?
Aelin pushed EVO for pretty much the whole of D1
I kind of see the same pattern with lol

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EVO and lol are aligned?

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without the question mark

It’s not low effort, considering most of people didn’t even read through EoD2 again.

But let’s keep it more or less organzied so people can read and see:

  1. What happened
  2. Why (most likely) it happened
  3. What’s conclusion

More or less in order if possible.
So let’s start with list of actual events. No opinions yet.

Not everyone needs to have same opinions, but let’s make sure everyone has same start for analysis, aka. “what happened” part.