Right now?


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what the fuck

we played like 20 games together how could you forget

who is this then?

Tbh I’m keeping my vote on Eevee as he has done nothing but dodge our questioning and refuse to do reads.

Fine @EVO specially for you.

  • EliThePsycho - Null
  • an_gorta_pratai - Null
  • PokemonKidRyan - Null
  • lol - Null
  • Intensify - Null
  • EVO - Null
  • WindwardAway - Null
  • cdecora - Null
  • GonZ - Null
  • Tilgarial - Null
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This read list is beautiful

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i think you forgot to read yourself as a null


You cannot tell me I’m wrong if I don’t out my reads :^)

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My actual reads:


are you telling me I forgot to read myself as a null
because you screenshot exactly my post

That I forgot to read MYSELF as null. But yes :^)

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Okay, time to end spoiler party.

It will be annoying for phone people otherwise.

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@WindwardAway @Intensify

What’s your general situation rn?

Like I mean general in-thread.

Remember last night around 11 pm when you were sleepy and I came online and was confused? Eventually devolved into, I’m still confused and you said you thought it was a joke. nod nod


Confused. Don’t see how no-exe ties in here.

Less than neopilitan. There’s no situation where he can tell between town/scum.

Rather miffed by all these “essentially [X]” floating around.
Feels like there could potentially be an attempt at misguiding.

my in-thread situation is about to go to sleep lol

so far I’ve been trying to distinguish between people who are legitimately claiming and people who are making excuses not to get voted out

several people have expressed thinking that my wagonomics clears are invalid so i’m trying to see their PoV to determine whether I should reconsider and rescind my reads, but I don’t want to rescind them yet. I think I’ve basically polarized the player list into scum teams based on it, and I still consider that progress even if it ends up being not entirely correct.

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Wagonomics basing on last day I assume?

From my perspective…
I would rather assume the claims are real and follow through that analysis first. Specifically, if true, it’s not impossible for a scum PR to slip in.

PKR is pretty self-explanatory. Given that the role isn’t neopolitan, there’s a chance that it can be scum.
Eli… I have problem with his “essentially miller” given how weak vanilla cop is. But if his ninja is true, I feel like the role points to a watcher/tracker rather than to balance vanilla cop. Which, there’s also the assigned kills. (just don’t think we need such an odd role to counteract a weak cop)
Me - you can ask
GonZ - Vague… Very vague. I also did not go back and try to hunt for his specific “hint”

And that’s all from the top of my mind.

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Basicly looking at EVO scum and both town scenarios.

Did you look when Aelin voted lol and when did they start scumreading them?

If they tried to save EVO, then they could join a wagon without deep PREVIOUS thought process behind it (just jumping at counterwagon to mafia and creating the reasoning on spot).
If however they had a long-term scenario against lol… it’s much less likely to be try to save EVO.

So rather instead of looking at plain wagonomics, look at what motivations Aelin had in voting lol first and WHEN they started joining push on them.
Also probably analyze general votecount at time when they voted.

That should give you way better and solid starting stone to analysis which people will have harder time to refute.
Cause it will be more than plain “Wagonomics”, but rather analysing whole reason and effect chain.


As per this, too plain.
There is more reasons than just this two.

And I know it helps you.
What can i say except you’re welcome?