You keep discussing irrelevant things and refuse to give reads. Just fluff.

Well, I offered to talk to you.

That was your answer.
And you didn’t make the case either back then.

So you are not passionate about lynching me.
Would mostly be doing it out of spite.

And then to others you do something like this:

If you say different things to person wanting to actually talk to you and different to people you want to convince, it’s gonna look terrible for your slot, ya know?

lol what I said to you and what I said to them are both true.

Oh, so you don’t want to lynch me, but try to convince others to focus on me out of spite?


Build your little strawman, Eevee. Like a snowman. Practiced.

isn’t EVO’s vote on you already?

That’s the point, they vote me and convince others to vote me, but refuse to talk to me and tell me they only do it out of spite, lmao.

I won’t talk to you about your morning tea. Reads? Sure.

Do you know what spite means? And passion? The differences? The similarities?

Either way, you are scummy and dodgy and you will hang for it.

What tea, you literally decided to not talk to me ABOUT CASE.

Stop changing the context.

I mean… he’s not exactly wrong. You are kinda coasting? That doesn’t necessarily make you 100% mafia though.
From what i’m getting, more a bored person waiting for endgame? Lol
But I can see how that is kinda sus

The thing is, you want me to extend my word count artificially because you want to dilute what I’ve already laid down.

Nice hedge

… wow

Yeah, I think you are that type who already has own worldview, without even willing to alter it and whatever happens just makes sure it’s gonna fit his view.

Is wold flat btw?

Why would I re explain myself several times to someone who is obviously just being dodgy and trying to confuse people?

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All of this is just to steer the case off you into a big circle until everyone stops caring and just ignores you

I made my standing on eevee clear a while back.
There ain’t much use trying to read somebody that actively resists being read, and simply lynching him out of spite for it makes no sense either. Especially considering how there ain’t a single bit of info we’d be getting from him. As long as there is more than one wolf left, there gotta be a second one somewhere that’s easier to catch even if he is.
And by the time we have that one, there’s less people and more time that passed
I’ll leave it to endgame people to deal with him, and if he doesn’t let himself be read at that point, I do see why he’d be lynched, is all I’m saying

Becouse you didn’t make a case even once?

At least one which is more than trying to use “XYZ is scummy”, “ABC is townie”.
You are stuck on facts which don’t bring any analyzis.

You are not even able to explain why is this true in general or in this case.

EVO, I was literally trying to get you to think over your case and do more than throw “ABC is bad becouse mother told me so”.
Your OWN thinking why it applies.

Your case is flat.
Your woldview is flat.

Unless you finally think WHY thing you posted applies here.

You literally just didn’t read, dawg. I got some old English texts I can lend you, just cashapp me the shipping fees.

Otherwise there is a lot of free education out there on reading :clown_face:

Then paste it.

Do it for once.