says the person avoiding the town leader role

I mean, you roasted me before so I’m just spreading the love

Why does this matter

It doesn’t.
But all of a sudden with a huge influx of claimants of PR.
My role now all of a sudden seems less important, so it makes me easier to pick out.

@Intensify other than my read on you as being very generally “not scum”, do you agree with any of my points?
The whole point of the somewhat weaker arguments I made in certain cases was to exhaust every reason I could to push that view
and if my reasons were weaker, I threw it out of my worldbuilding.

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They work I guess.

Cause most of the scum worlds for the other two slots read usually comes down to “Aelin distancing or Aelin pushing this slot for towncred” which seems more unlikely than the town worlds.

Are you thinking that W!Me can pull off what I did with EVO and Cloned assuming that perhaps I am scum vanilla cop (If I ever roll this in a game, I am going to scream btw) who just reacted to EVO in the way I did without any problems and that I chose to “out” as vanilla cop for towncred?

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Well no…

We have literally only 3 Pr claims I think?

Something that clears.

4 alive PR claims lol

All hail Windward!

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Jesus I guess my brain is fricked who did I miss?

Hey Wind, do you have the list still? Thanks

ok yeah
then I conveyed my point correctly lol

oh boy

PKR vanilla cop
Cloned 2-shot doc (dead)
Eli ninja sleepwalker
cdecora ???
GonZ ???

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I’m like pretty sure half of those claims are jokes

you don’t know for sure unless you already have TMI

Actually, the only one that could feasibly be a joke claim is Eli.

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I don’t doubt it really…

We’ve been scummates before.

You can pull off some wierd miracles

someone asked what the PR claims were, not who the actual PRs were

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I don’t remember GonZ ever hinting at PR claim tho